September 18th, 2024

Hello! This is my first blog post. I know that the website is still incomplete, but I thought it would be nice to have an introductory Blog post here! My name is Yuma, and as the intro says, I am a 20-year-old animation major and I am currently a junior at my college. I also ways love art, and I decided I wanted it to be my career. But In all honesty, I somewhat regret my decision and plan on going back to school for nursing. Unfortunately, the art world is just too saturated, and it’s hard to find even an unpaid internship right now, let alone a job. My family has many members who all work in different spaces in the medical field (off the top of my head I can count 5 not including myself), so it wouldn’t be out of The norm for us.

I wanted to start this little website as a way to express myself that it wasn’t just another account on Twitter or some other social media (although I do still use other social media.) I wanted this to be like a catch all for everything me! I plan on having different pages for each category of things. For example, a separate page for my art, my K-pop rants, hobbies, language studies etc. I also wanted to use this site to try to stay accountable for doing things I say I will, but never actually do, such as learning Chinese and Korean. I have an unfortunate habit of starting a habit and getting into a grove, and then just dropping it. Hopefully, we will be able to create an amazing community here and encourage One another to get stuff done!

So far, I am likely the progress that I’ve made with the site, but it still needs a lot of work. I like the way it is going aesthetically, but I think there needs to be more variety in it. Although I do like minimal looks, this is Neocities! I want at least a hint of that early 2000s Myspace feel, while still staying clean. I’m not sure exactly where it will go, but I’m excited to see what I come up with it! I want to see what you all feel, what you would like to see, and what kinds of things interest you, just head over to the Guestbook or go in the Chat! I’m looking into options for a comment system for my blog post, but until then that will be your best bet! ~Yuma